Hazrat Adam PBUH
Adam (PBUH) the first Messenger of Allah.
Adam (PBUH) also know as "Father of Human being" i.e "Abul Bashar".
Wife name : Hawa or Eve.
Hawa is also known as "Mother of Mankind".
Adam was created from clay. 38:71 (Glorious Quran) Genesis 2:4-3:24
Allah taught Adam (PBUH) names of every thing. 2:31 (Glorious Quran)
Age of the Adam (PBUH) is almost 1000 years.
Sons of Adam (PBUH) were : Habil, Kabil, Seth. (Habeel, Kabeel and Sheeth)
Kabeel killed Habeel. First murder in history. 5:30 (Glorious Quran)
Adam (PBUH) landed on Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka.
Adam (PBUH) built Kaaba.